Thursday, April 18, 2013

From Obligation to Inspiration

The New Era that began on December 21, 2012 also began on the day of Caji (4) Ajpu in the Mayan Calendar, with one of its expressions being the fully-opened flower of our full potential. The Ajpus are also the Light Beings, the sun being one of them, that calls forth our blossoming and the irresistible urge to turn and receive that Light.  This was a main focus of my prayers during the ceremonies we did in Guatemala to welcome the New Era. I have been reflecting a lot that for this blossoming to happen, we must leave behind all of the things that hold us back and constrict us, have the courage, and allow this new Light to illuminate the darkness within us so that we may transform it.  This is not easy work, and we need to be gentle on ourselves and each other. 

I can especially feel this with the historic and karmic wounds that, in order to create protection, constriction was needed instead of expansion. I believe that the indigenous cultures of our world in their fullest expression are fully open flowers of humanity- expressing incredible beauty, art, dance, and a culture of respect and connection with nature. When we can strip away the karma and suffering to get back to the essence, and we are reconnected to nature and spirit, we can all be in our unique full expression, our unique blossom.  This is what we seek to nurture through Earth Peoples United.

I feel that right now is an accelerated, compressed time of transformation to help us strip away the old and allow the petals of the new to unfold.  I also find it appropriate that we are in the Chinese Year of the Snake. And, believing strongly in the co-creative, we don’t just sit back shedding skin, there are places where we have to wrestle with it and rub against some rough places to take that skin off. We have to allow opportunities to not just go about “business as normal”.  For me, that does not come easy, especially when it seems there is so much at stake.  

I don’t know what the New Era will bring.  There is a way that I am just trusting in the unfolding, and that it does feel like a new consciousness emerging. We need to allow and give space for the full potential of who we are in this moment to be realized. And, like a flower that prepares through all of its stages, with the right conditions and natural timings, the blossoming can be fleeting- sometimes lasting only one night after months of growth, to then wither and eventually become the food for the next cycle. Yet it is through that blossoming that the pollen can be harvested and shared for the ongoing of life. Each one of us has a different blossoming, and all are important.    

I have been reflecting a lot on the fact that we often use the teaching of Becoming the People Made of Honey in this New Era, and emphasize working like the bees- working hard and in collaboration and cooperation, the aspect of Aj in the Mayan Calendar.  And, the bees can only do their work when there are fully-opened flowers that can share their pollen, the sacred substance that becomes the honey- sweet, crystallized fluid golden light. So while there is a lot of work to do and we need to work like the bees, at the same time we must nurture the blossoming of our Soul Flower- Rukux Cotzij.

The lesson I am learning is that of being of service, and not of a servant. It’s a shift from obligation to inspiration.  And when I am doing things from an inspired place, the struggles I have with feeling lack (not enough time, not enough help) shifts, as it is coming from a spiritual connection. As we had planted the intention of our next Wisdom Keeper and Youth Council, Dawning a Legacy of Sweetness, we are taking this to heart and really want to be able to model that and not simply speak it. That is requiring a letting go of a way of being that is strong in me to feel obligated to go beyond my own needs and serve the greater good no matter what the cost is to myself. The times when I feel my inspiration in my service, it feeds and nourishes me. It is sweet. And that most often happens when I am working in collaboration and can feel a sense of community, even if it is only with one person. The saying “many hands make light work” is so very true, and most times it also nurtures joyful work. This is the aspect of working like the bees that I so love. I also know the maintaining of balance between all aspects of life is essential, as it helps create those conditions for the blossoming to occur...